Sunday, August 05, 2007

British Petroleum/Amoco seeks to dump more pollutants into Lake Michigan near beaches

As first reported in this Chicago Tribune story, British Petroleum is planning to dump 54% more ammonia and 35% more sludge into Lake Michigan from their oil refinery in Whiting, Ind. Hold on, MORE ammonia and sludge? How is it legal to dump any sludge and ammonia into a public lake, in particular somewhere so close to a major metro area. See this Google map to see the location of the refinery and nearby beaches.

Indiana regulators justify giving BP permission to dump more toxins into the lake because it'll supposedly create 80 more jobs. Even if the moral cause of protecting the environment is left out as an argument, from a purely economic standpoint this makes no sense. How does 80 additional jobs compare with the additional health costs from people eating contaminated fish, swimming and drinking from the contaminated water? How about the lost tourist revenue due to people understandably being concerned about swimming in nearby beaches? Of course these are costs that will be born by the hundreds of thousands living along the lake and not easily traceable back to British Petroleum.

Remember this next time one of those British Petroleum "Beyond Petroleum" ads runs.

What can be done:
  • This story reports on a petition drive being launched in Chicago. You can join up, and let me know via a comment if you find out more about this drive.
  • You can follow this link to lodge a complaint with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
  • Sign this online petition to Indiana Governor Daniels.
  • Tell BP what you think about BP and the environment via this form
  • Support the "Bad Polluters Act" - H.R. 3276 (are there good polluters?) sponsored by Mark Kirk(R), Melissa Bean(D), Jesse Jackson(D) and others. Contact Mark Kirk or your representative to encourage them to support this.
Have other actions on this topic? Let us know with a comment on this blog.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Democracy for america - training progressive candidates

I recently came across the Democracy for America website by way of the Daily Kos. Democracy for America was founded by Howard Dean, and is now headed by his brother, Jim Dean, who worked on Howard Dean's 2004 presidential campaign. Democracy for America (DFA) is a political action committee that is "dedicated to supporting fiscally responsible, socially progressive candidates at all levels of government—from school board to the presidency. DFA fights against the influence of the far right-wing and their radical, divisive policies and the selfish special interests that for too long have dominated our politics.".

DFA backs this up with training for activists and candidates, helping organize local DFA groups, and promoting progressive candidates. We progressives need to get behind organizations like this to counteract the right wing's political machine and to ensure progressive and liberal values are well represented.

If the DFA sounds like an organization you could support, there's plenty of ways you can get involved:
  • Sign the DFA "No escalation" petition.
  • Find and link up with local DFA groups in your area via this page.
  • Support a DFA candidate local to you.
  • Sign up for DFA training on effective campaigning, organizing, and more. Training is offered throughout the U.S. and there's also online material and DVDs available.
  • And of course you can always make a contribution